The old way to do things is to integrate the expense claim to time reporting function. This is perfect for expense claim form and if you need to keep track of every expense along the way.
However, this is not really practical to Hong Kong practice. Most Hong Kong CPA record their expenses before or after the actual event. This is good for billing purpose. Get paid first before delivery of service.
After listening to our user’s suggestions, we have set up a brand new function called Expense Claim with Approval. The staff can enter the projected expenses claim and submit it to his supervisor for approval. Once approved, the claim will be put under Miscellaneous Charges waiting for Invoicing. This change will streamline the operation especially if the firm bills its client for expenses ahead of time.
This new function also allows staff to set up the expenses using the best estimate. When more information comes, he or she can then change the amount as long as it is before approval. This is just a convenient way to do things, the natural way.
The best way to design a system is to keep a natural flow of events to fit the users. We hope this one small change will bring more convenience to users.