We have constantly received so many constructive ideas towards our software from our users!:
A law firm F. Zimmern has requested the addition of the detailed information of:
who did what, how long, time charged and when as part of the billing item.
This information will be added to the end of the Description automatically in Billing Schedule function.
A real estate listed company has suggested to change the Journal Entry listing by adding an Outstanding Only sort order and to change the order listing of the General Ledger by Account ID.
In the automatic numbering of journal entry, they also suggested that the system can auto renew by month.
Fung Yu & Co. CPA has suggested to add a Remark section in Job Assignment so that more information can be presented in Job.
In addition, they have suggested to include Correspondence as part of the Global Search function with in the Customer ID and Customer name search.
We like to express our appreciation to all the CPAnywhere users for their contributions.